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Blackberry Weights and Conversions (In Charts & Pictures)

We weighed various quantities of mixed-sized blackberries to find the most accurate weights.

Use this page to find out blackberry weights and conversions to help you find the specific information you need to work out weights and calories of various blackberry portions.

This page includes a calculator, charts, and information to help you quickly find the information you need.

How Much Does a Blackberry Weigh? (With Conversions)

I did the research and weighed a number of mixed-sized blackberries to get an average figure per berry, and I found out the following:

The weight of an average-sized blackberry is around 7g/0.25oz, with the smallest berries weighing around 3g/0.1oz and the largest berries weighing up to around 12g/0.4.

Weight TypeWeight of One Average

To get an idea of how blackberries vary in weight and what this looks like, the images below show the difference:

small blackberry on a scale to show what a smaller berry looks like
Small blackberry
large blackberry on a scale to show what a large blackberry looks like
Large blackberry

Blackberry Weight and Calorie Calculator

Use the calculator below to help you to work out the average weight and calorie value of a specific portion amount of blackberries:

How Many Blackberries are in a Serving or Portion?

As part of the ‘5 a day’ recommendation, a portion of blackberries is considered to be a handful of berries of any size.

A handful of average-sized blackberries is equal to around 10 berries per portion, this portion size weighs around 70g in total and is equal to around 30kcal.

How Many Blackberries are in a Cup

If you prefer to measure using a cup, then this section will help you to work out the weight and amount of blackberries per US cup.

I filled a US cup with blackberries of various sizes and a full cup of berries weighed 150g/5.3oz (0.15kg or 0.33lb), which is equal to a total of 22 individual berries.

cup of blackberries to show 150g of blackberries in a US cup

Blackberry Weight and Calories per Portion (Conversion Chart)

This quick reference chart is based on an average-sized blackberry weighing 7g/0.2oz per berry and assuming a calorie count of 3kcal per 7g/0.2oz berry (as per MyFitnessPal).

I have worked out each serving size based on these averages and for various portion sizes so you can work out the weights and calories per portion size:

Blackberry Serving
size (based on
Average Serving weight
(in Grams & Ounces)
Calories in
1 blackberry7g/0.2oz3
2 blackberries14g/0.5oz6
3 blackberries21g/0.7oz9
4 blackberries28g/1oz12
5 blackberries35g/1.2oz15
6 blackberries42g/1.5oz18
7 blackberries49g/1.7oz21
8 blackberries56g/2oz24
9 blackberries63g/2.2oz27
10 blackberries70g/2.5oz30
15 blackberries105g/3.7oz45
20 blackberries140g/4.9oz60
25 blackberries175g/6.2oz75

More Blackberry FAQ’s

How Many Blackberries are in a Pound?

Based on a weight of 7g/0.2oz per average-sized blackberry, there are around 65 blackberries in one pound of mixed-sized berries.

How Many Blackberries are in a Kilogram?

Based on a weight of 7g/0.2oz per average-sized blackberry, there are around 143 blackberries in one kilogram of mixed-sized berries.

How Many Blackberries are in an Ounce?

Based on a weight of 7g/0.2oz per average-sized blackberry, there are around 4 blackberries in one ounce of berries.

How Many Blackberries are in 100g

Based on a weight of 7g/0.2oz per average-sized blackberry, there are around 14 blackberries in 100g of mixed-sized berries.

Equipment and Information Used for This Article

I used precision scales that weigh to 0.01 of a gram which is regularly calibrated with a 100g weight. For more information see my recommended weighing scales here.

To make sure the information in this article is accurate, I researched and cross-referenced various sources (as well as original research) to obtain the correct weights and calories.

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