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How Much Does A Cup Of Mozzarella Cheese Weigh?

Weighing shredded cheese in cups is a quick and easy way to measure it without a scale providing you know the conversion weights.

In this article, we’ll show you how to convert shredded mozzarella cheese weights in cups to grams, kilos, ounces, or pounds in our quick reference charts. You can also convert any weight of mozzarella cheese using our conversion calculator.

shredder mozzarella next to a cheese grater

Mozzarella Cheese Cup To Weight Conversion

Here are the conversion weights you need to work out how much mozzarella cheese is in a US cup (in metric and imperial weights):

Metric conversions of a
cup of mozzarella cheese
Imperial conversions
of a cup of mozzarella cheese

This shows us that one cup of shredded mozzarella cheese weighs an average of 113g or 4oz, although it’s important to note that this is an average, and weights can vary slightly depending on how much you fill the cup and the size of the shreds.

Mozzarella Cheese Cup Conversion Chart

This quick reference table will help you to convert various cup amounts of shredded mozzarella cheese to metric and imperial weights. If you need a conversion that isn’t in the chart, use the calculator in the next section to work out a specific weight.

Number of cups of
mozzarella cheese
Conversion weight
in metric (grams & kilos)
Conversion weight
in imperial (ounces & pounds)
1/4 cup28g / 0.03kg1oz / 0.06lb
1/3 cup38g / 0.04kg1.3oz / 0.08lb
1/2 cup57g / 0.06kg2oz / 0.13lb
3/4 cup85g / 0.09kg3oz / 0.19lb
1 cup113g / 0.11kg4oz / 0.25lb
2 cups226g / 0.23kg8oz / 0.5lb
3 cups339g / 0.34kg12oz / 0.75lb
4 cups452g / 0.45kg15.9oz / 1lb
5 cups565g / 0.57kg19.9oz / 1.25lb
6 cups678g / 0.68kg23.9oz / 1.49lb
7 cups791g / 0.79kg27.9oz / 1.74lb
8 cups904g / 0.9kg31.9oz / 1.99lb
9 cups1017g / 1.02kg35.9oz / 2.24lb
10 cups1130g / 1.13kg39.9oz / 2.49lb
Infographic to show the cup weight of shredded mozzarella (1/4, 1/2 & 1 cup).

Mozzarella Cheese Cup Conversion Calculator

The calculator below will help you to convert any cup weight of shredded mozzarella cheese to grams, kilos, ounces, or pounds.

Input the number of cups of mozzarella cheese to get started (use decimal amounts such as 0.5 for half a cup).

How Many Cups Of Mozzarella Cheese In A Pound?

If you need to convert pounds of mozzarella cheese into cups and back again, here’s how to work it out:

One pound of mozzarella cheese = 4 cups

The table below shows more pound to cups of mozzarella cheese conversions:

Number of poundsNumber of cups of
mozzarella cheese
1lb 4 cups
2lb 8 cups
3lb12 cups
4lb16 cups
5lb20 cups

How Many Cups Of Mozzarella Cheese In A Kilogram?

If you need to convert kilograms of mozzarella cheese to cups or cups to kilograms, here’s the calculation you need:

One kilogram of mozzarella cheese = 8.8 cups (or round up to 9 cups)

The table below shows more pound to cups of mozzarella cheese conversions:

Number of kilogramsNumber of cups of
mozzarella cheese
1kg 8.8 cups
2kg17.7 cups
3kg26.5 cups
4kg35.4 cups
5kg44.2 cups

More FAQs

How many calories are in one cup of mozzarella cheese?

According to the USDA, one cup of non-fat mozzarella cheese contains 159kcal and a cup of whole-milk mozzarella cheese contains 335kcal.

How many cups is 100g of mozzarella cheese?

100g of mozzarella cheese is just under one cup of shredded cheese. A whole US cup of mozzarella cheese weighs an average of 113g.

How many cups is one ounce of mozzarella?

One ounce of shredded mozzarella cheese is equal to a quarter of a cup.

References Used for this Article

To ensure the nutritional information used in this article is accurate, I have used data from USDA FoodData Central; the links below contain the source information:

Non-fat mozzarella cheese nutritional information

Whole milk mozzarella cheese nutritional information