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Almond Milk vs Soy Milk (Complete Comparison)

In recent years, plant-based milk alternatives have gained notable popularity, with almond milk and soy milk being two front-running options. Consumers often find themselves choosing between these two varieties based on nutritional values, health benefits, and dietary restrictions. Almond milk is praised for its low calorie content and its naturally sweet taste, while soy milk is recognized for its high protein content and its status as a complete protein, offering all essential amino acids.

The choice between almond milk and soy milk involves a consideration of individual nutritional needs and taste preferences. While almond milk provides fewer calories and is often enriched with calcium and vitamins, soy milk offers more protein and may be more satiating, making it a popular choice for those looking to increase their protein intake.

Almond Milk vs Soy Milk

When comparing almond milk to soy milk, almond milk generally has fewer calories and carbohydrates, while soy milk offers more protein and is a good source of essential amino acids.

Ingredient Comparison

In comparing ingredients, almond milk generally has fewer calories and fats than soy milk, but also less protein.

Almond milk and soy milk are popular plant-based alternatives to dairy milk, and they each have a unique nutritional profile. When choosing between the two, it is essential to consider the ingredients and their nutritional implications.

Almond milk is primarily made from ground almonds and water. It may also contain stabilizers, like carrageenan, and frequently comes fortified with vitamins and minerals such as calcium and vitamin D. Almond milk is naturally low in calories and fats, and it does not contain cholesterol or lactose, making it a suitable choice for those with dietary restrictions or cardiovascular concerns.

Soy milk, on the other hand, is made from soybeans or soy protein isolate, and water. Like almond milk, it often contains thickeners and vegetable oils to improve taste and consistency. It is usually enriched with vitamins and minerals too. Compared to almond milk, soy milk typically has a higher content of protein, which makes it closer to cow’s milk in terms of protein content. Additionally, soy milk contains isoflavones, compounds associated with various health benefits.

Here is a simplified nutritional comparison:


Almond Milk (per 100g)

Soy Milk (per 100g)







Total Fat






Dietary Fiber







188 mg

25 mg

Note that these values can vary depending on the brand and specific product formulation. Moreover, many commercial varieties of almond and soy milk contain added sugars, which can affect their nutritional value. Consumers should check product labels for the most accurate nutritional information.

Nutritional Comparison

Soy milk typically offers a similar protein content to cow’s milk, while almond milk is much lower in protein.

When comparing soy milk and almond milk, the differences in their nutritional profiles are significant. Soy milk contains a higher amount of protein, offering about 7 grams per cup, which closely resembles the protein content of cow’s milk. In contrast, almond milk provides less protein, typically around 1 gram per cup. This makes soy milk a better choice for individuals seeking more protein in their diets, particularly for those who are vegetarian or vegan.


Soy Milk (per cup)

Almond Milk (per cup)
















Vitamin D



Soy milk’s fat content, which is composed of heart-healthy monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, is comparable to that of almond milk. Both options have lower calories than whole cow’s milk, with almond milk being the lower-calorie choice.

Additionally, soy milk and almond milk are often fortified with calcium and vitamin D to help consumers meet their daily requirements for these nutrients. Almond milk has an advantage in vitamin E content, naturally occurring due to almonds being a good source. The mineral content such as calcium can vary considerably between brands, depending on fortification levels. Therefore, consumers are encouraged to check the nutrition labels of the specific brands they are considering.

Best for Calorie Content

When comparing almond milk and soy milk for calorie content, almond milk generally offers fewer calories per serving.

Almond milk: Approx. 30-40 calories per cup (unsweetened)

Soy milk: Approx. 80-100 calories per cup (unsweetened)

For individuals tracking calorie intake, almond milk might be the preferable option. However, it’s important to check the nutritional label as sweetened varieties of both milks will have higher calorie content. Additionally, calorie content is not the sole factor to consider for nutritional value; one should also look at the protein, fat, vitamins, and minerals present in these milk alternatives.

Comparison Table (Unsweetened per cup):

Milk Type


Almond Milk


Soy Milk


Almond milk’s lower calorie count makes it attractive for those on a calorie-restricted diet, while soy milk’s higher protein may appeal to those with increased protein requirements. It is crucial to align milk choice with dietary goals and nutritional needs.

Best for Carbs & Sugar Content

Table with a bowl of almonds and a bottle of almond milk

When comparing the carbohydrate and sugar content of almond milk and soy milk, consumers generally find almond milk to contain fewer carbs and sugars.

Almond milk typically has lower carbohydrate content than soy milk, making it a suitable choice for those monitoring their carb intake.

Almond milk, especially the unsweetened variety, is known for its low carbohydrate content. A cup of unsweetened almond milk usually contains around 1-2 grams of carbohydrates, which primarily come from dietary fiber, thereby having minimal impact on blood sugar levels. On the other hand, soy milk offers a slightly higher carb count, with unsweetened versions providing about 4 grams per cup. However, these carbohydrates are often accompanied by a higher dietary fiber content compared to almond milk.

The sugar content in both almond and soy milk is naturally low, but it’s essential to consider the presence of added sugars in flavored or sweetened varieties. Unsweetened versions of both milks do not contain added sugars, but sweetened versions can have significantly more. Therefore, reading nutrition labels is crucial for those watching their sugar intake.

Here’s a quick comparison:

Nut Milk Type

Carbs (per cup)

Sugars (per cup)

Unsweetened Almond Milk



Unsweetened Soy Milk



Sweetened Almond Milk



Sweetened Soy Milk



Choosing between almond and soy milk largely depends on personal nutritional needs and taste preferences. Almond milk is often favored by those seeking the lowest possible carb and sugar content, while soy milk offers a modestly higher carbohydrate profile with potential benefits from dietary fiber.

Best for Protein Content

When comparing the protein content of almond milk and soy milk, soy milk has a distinct advantage.

Soy milk contains approximately 7 grams of protein per cup, making it closer to cow’s milk in protein content, whereas almond milk typically provides only 1 gram of protein per cup.

Both almond milk and soy milk are dairy-free alternatives to cow’s milk, and their popularity has increased due to dietary preferences, allergies, and lactose intolerance. However, in terms of protein content, they differ significantly. Protein is essential for building and repairing tissues in the body, and for individuals seeking to increase their protein intake through plant-based milk, choosing the right option is critical.

Soy milk is made from ground soybeans, which naturally contain a higher protein content. This makes it a suitable option for those requiring a higher protein diet, such as athletes or people engaging in frequent physical activity.

In contrast, almond milk, which is made from ground almonds and water, is lower in protein. Almonds themselves do contain protein, but the milk made from them is diluted and has much of the protein content strained out during its production process. This makes almond milk less suitable as a protein source, although it can still be part of a balanced

Milk Type

Protein (per cup)

Soy Milk


Almond Milk


Due to its higher protein content, soy milk is often recommended for those seeking a non-dairy milk alternative with a protein level closer to that of dairy milk.

Best for Fat Content

When comparing almond milk and soy milk, both offer different types of fat content. Soy and almond milks contain mostly healthy fats, with almond milk being lower in total fat content.

Almond Milk:

  • Lower in total fat
  • Mainly monounsaturated fats
  • About 2 to 3 grams of fat per cup

Soy Milk:

  • Higher in total fat
  • Combination of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats
  • Around 2 to 4 grams of fat per cup

The type of fat present in these milk alternatives is considered beneficial for heart health, as they are mostly unsaturated fats. Individuals who are looking to reduce their total fat intake might prefer almond milk over soy milk, whereas those who are not particularly concerned about fat content but are looking for a more protein-rich plant-based milk may opt for soy milk despite its slightly higher fat content. Both almond and soy milks can be a part of a balanced diet.

Best for Fiber Content

When comparing almond milk and soy milk for fiber content, soy milk generally contains more dietary fiber.

Almond milk and soy milk are both popular plant-based alternatives to dairy milk, differing significantly in their fiber content. Fiber is an essential nutrient that aids in digestion and can contribute to heart health.

Soy milk typically provides more fiber per serving than almond milk, making it a better choice for those looking to increase their dietary fiber intake. Here is a nutritional comparison based on average content:


Almond Milk (per 100g)

Soy Milk (per 100g)

Dietary Fiber



It should be noted that the fiber content in plant-based milks can vary depending on the brand and whether the product is fortified. Consumers looking for higher fiber content can consider checking labels to choose a product that meets their dietary needs. Additionally, whole almonds and whole soybeans naturally contain more fiber than their milk counterparts. Therefore, consuming these plant-based milks should be part of a balanced diet that includes other fiber sources.

Best for Sodium/Salt Content

When comparing almond milk and soy milk for their sodium content, it’s essential to understand which one offers lower levels for those watching their salt intake.

Almond milk typically has a lower sodium content than soy milk, making it a preferable choice for people managing their salt consumption.

Both almond milk and soy milk have varying sodium amounts, influenced heavily by whether the product is sweetened or unsweetened, and whether it is commercially prepared or homemade. It is common for manufacturers to add salt to enhance flavor, especially in processed options.

Type of Milk

Average Sodium Content per 100 grams

Almond Milk

50 mg

Soy Milk

100 mg

Almond milk: On average, unsweetened almond milk contains around 50 mg of sodium per 100 grams. However, the salt content can rise with the addition of sweeteners or flavorings.

Soy milk: Soy milk generally contains more sodium, averaging about 100 mg per 100 grams. Similar to almond milk, sweetened and flavored varieties can have higher sodium levels.

For consumers mindful of their dietary sodium, they should always check the nutritional labels on almond and soy milk products to make informed choices, as the sodium content can differ between brands and varieties. Opting for unsweetened and unflavored versions of almond or soy milk can further help in limiting sodium intake.

Best for Vitamins/Minerals

When comparing almond milk and soy milk for their vitamin and mineral content, both offer unique benefits.

Almond milk is fortified with vitamins and minerals and is often high in vitamin E and calcium. On the other hand, soy milk naturally contains a range of vitamins and minerals, and it is typically fortified to enhance its nutritional profile, particularly with calcium and vitamins D and B12.


Almond Milk

Soy Milk

Vitamin E

High (naturally present)



Fortified levels vary

Fortified (comparable to dairy)

Vitamin D

Often fortified

Often fortified

Vitamin B12

Rarely present

Often fortified



Low to moderate


Low to moderate


Soy milk comes out ahead in protein content and is a good source of B vitamins, which are essential for energy metabolism. Both plant-based milks can be fortified with various vitamins and minerals, so it’s important to read the label of the specific brand you’re purchasing to make a direct comparison. Remember, processing and fortification can significantly alter the natural nutritional profile of these milks.

Best for Flavor/Texture

When consumers choose between almond milk and soy milk, flavor and texture are pivotal factors influencing their decision. Almond milk typically has a light, sweet, nutty flavor and a thinner consistency, which can be enjoyable for drinking straight or in cereal. Soy milk, however, often has a creamier texture and a more pronounced, slightly bean-like taste, making it a preferred option for coffee and smoothies.

Almond milk’s nutty and sweet taste with a thinner consistency is ideal for those preferring a milder flavor. Soy milk’s creamier texture and richer taste suit creamy dishes and coffee well.

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Which do you prefer?

The choice between the two largely depends on personal preference:

  • Almond Milk:
  • Flavor: Sweet, nutty
  • Texture: Thin, similar to skim milk
  • Soy Milk:
  • Flavor: Rich, slightly bean-like
  • Texture: Creamy, similar to whole milk

People who enjoy a less intense flavor may gravitate towards almond milk for its subtler taste profile. In contrast, soy milk is often favored in culinary applications where a richer flavor complements other ingredients. Additionally, the creaminess of soy milk might be preferred for creating lattes or cappuccinos, as it froths better than almond milk. One should sample both to determine which preference aligns with their palate and culinary needs.

Health Implications

When considering the health implications of almond milk versus soy milk, it is essential to examine their nutritional profiles and the potential impacts on different aspects of health.

Almond Milk vs. Soy Milk Health Implications: Almond milk typically contains fewer calories and less protein, whereas soy milk is richer in protein, resembling cow’s milk.

Almond milk is a low-calorie alternative to cow’s milk, which can be beneficial for weight management. It is also low in saturated fat and typically enriched with vitamins and minerals such as calcium and vitamin D. However, almond milk naturally contains less protein compared to soy milk. For those incorporating almond milk into their diets, protein intake might need supplementation from other sources.

Soy milk offers a more robust profile when it comes to protein content, making it a closer nutritional match to dairy milk. It contains all nine essential amino acids, making it a complete protein—a benefit for vegetarians and vegans. Soy milk also has healthful fats, which contribute to cardiovascular health. However, individuals with soy allergies or those sensitive to phytoestrogens—a compound present in soy—should consider these factors when choosing soy milk.

Both beverages have unique health implications and can cater to different dietary needs, preferences, or restrictions. It’s important for consumers to consider their nutritional requirements and consult nutrition labels or health professionals when deciding which milk alternative best suits their health goals.

Health Benefits

Both almond milk and soy milk offer specific health benefits when included in a balanced diet.

Almond milk is lower in calories and fat, making it a good option for weight management. It’s also rich in vitamin E, an antioxidant that supports skin health. Moreover, almond milk is naturally lactose-free, which is beneficial for those with lactose intolerance.

  • Soy Milk:
  • High in protein, comparable to cow’s milk
  • Contains isoflavones which may benefit heart health
  • Often fortified with vitamins and minerals
  • Almond Milk:
  • Lower in calories, beneficial for weight management
  • High in vitamin E, an antioxidant supporting skin health
  • Lactose-free and often fortified with calcium and vitamin D

While soy milk provides a protein content similar to that of dairy milk, almond milk generally has less protein. However, for those looking to reduce caloric intake, almond milk may be preferred due to its lower calorie content. Individuals with specific dietary needs or health goals should consider these factors when choosing between almond and soy milk.

Allergies and Sensitivities

Both almond milk and soy milk can be problematic for individuals with certain allergies or sensitivities. Those with tree nut allergies should avoid almond milk, while those with soy allergies should steer clear of soy milk.

  • Almond Milk Allergies:
  • Risk for individuals with tree nut allergies.
  • Symptoms can range from mild to severe, including anaphylaxis.
  • Soy Milk Sensitivities:
  • Risk for individuals with soy allergies or intolerance.
  • Contains phytoestrogens, which some may wish to avoid.

It is crucial for consumers to read labels and be aware of any potential cross-contamination with allergens. Sensitivities to additives, such as emulsifiers or sweeteners in processed milks, are also possible and should be considered when choosing between almond and soy milk.

Overall Winner – Which One is Better?

Soy milk edges out almond milk as a nutritionally superior choice due to its higher protein content and balanced nutrient profile.

Almond milk and soy milk are popular dairy milk alternatives. Each has its advantages and fits different dietary needs and preferences. Soy milk is often highlighted for its protein content, closely mimicking that of dairy milk, making it a winner for those seeking a plant-based protein source. It contains all essential amino acids, which are crucial for bodily functions.

Nutrient Content Comparison:

  • Protein: Soy milk typically has about 7 grams per cup, while almond milk offers around 1 gram per cup.
  • Fat: Both have 2 to 4 grams of predominantly healthy fats per cup.
  • Calories: Unsweetened almond milk usually has fewer calories, ranging from 30 to 90 per serving.

For individuals with concerns about nut allergies or with soy sensitivities, each milk presents an alternative to the other. When it comes to environmental impact, almond milk requires more water to produce, which can be a point of consideration for environmentally conscious consumers.

In conclusion, while almond milk is better for those looking to reduce calorie intake and prioritize water usage, soy milk provides a more robust nutritional profile, making it a better option for those seeking a close dairy milk substitute in terms of nourishment.