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Oatmeal Calories With & Without Milk

In this ultimate guide to oatmeal (or porridge, depending on what you like to call it) calories, I’ll quickly help you find the calorie values you’re looking for based on how you prefer your oatmeal.

Including; calories for oatmeal made with just water or various types of milk, including nut milk and soya, along with other toppings such as sugar, syrup, or fruit – so let’s get straight into it.

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Oatmeal Serving Sizes

Before we get into oatmeal calories, it helps to know the weights of oatmeal and liquid per serving to calculate the calories for various serving sizes.

I’ve recently researched and written an article on oatmeal servings. I have compiled data to show average serving size weights and how much milk or water you need per serving to get the consistency you’re looking for.

The table below shows each serving size of oats and water or milk, based on rolled or traditional oats such as Quaker.

Oatmeal (Porridge) Serving SizeMilk/Water Amount
(for average consistency)
Milk/Water Amount
(for thicker oatmeal)
Small (25g/0.9oz)172ml156ml
Medium (40g/1.4oz)275ml250ml
Large (55g/1.9oz)378ml344ml
Extra Large (75g/2.6oz)516ml469ml
Table to show how many oats and milk or water you need per serving of oatmeal.

If you’d like to see my full article on oatmeal weights and serving sizes, click the link below:

Oatmeal Serving Weights & Milk Calculator

Oatmeal Made With Water Calories

Moving on to oatmeal calories per serving, I’ve started with oatmeal made with water because the only calories in the oatmeal come from the oats providing no other toppings are added.

The calories in the table below are based on an average calorie value of 150kcal per 40g of rolled (or old-fashioned) oats and are also applicable to Quaker Oats. Based on this figure, we can determine that oats contain an average of 3.75kcal per gram.

Oatmeal (Porridge) Serving SizeCalories of Oatmeal Made With Water
Small (25g/0.9oz)94kcal
Medium (40g/1.4oz)150kcal
Large (55g/1.9oz)206kcal
Extra Large (75g/2.6oz)281kcal
Table to show calories in oatmeal made with water for various serving sizes.

Oatmeal Made with Milk Calories (Various Types)

In this section, I’ve included tables to show how many calories are in each serving of oatmeal if it’s made using the recommended milk amount for various types of milk, including cow’s milk, almond, oat, and soya.

The recommended amount is based on a standard 40g serving recommendation of 275ml of milk (as confirmed by Quaker). Using this figure, I’ve been able to work out a milk-to-oatmeal ratio of any serving size.

To calculate the calories for any serving of oatmeal, you can also use the calculator in the link below:

Oatmeal Calorie Calculator (For Various Types Of Milk)

Skimmed Milk

The first table is based on various serving sizes of oatmeal (or porridge) made with skimmed (low-fat) cow’s milk and assumes that the milk contains an average of 0.35kcal per milliliter.

Oatmeal (Porridge) Serving SizeSkimmed Milk Amount
(for average consistency)
Total Calories Per Serving
Small (25g/0.9oz)172ml154kcal
Medium (40g/1.4oz)275ml246kcal
Large (55g/1.9oz)378ml338kcal
Extra Large (75g/2.6oz)516ml462kcal

Semi-Skimmed Milk

This table is based on various serving sizes of oatmeal (or porridge) made with semi-skimmed (medium-fat) cow’s milk and assumes that the milk contains an average of 0.5kcal per milliliter.

Oatmeal (Porridge) Serving SizeSemi-Skimmed Milk Amount
(for average consistency)
Total Calories Per Serving
Small (25g/0.9oz)172ml180kcal
Medium (40g/1.4oz)275ml288kcal
Large (55g/1.9oz)378ml395kcal
Extra Large (75g/2.6oz)516ml539kcal

Full-Fat Milk

The table below is based on various serving sizes of oatmeal (or porridge) made with full-fat cow’s milk and assumes that the milk contains an average of 0.66kcal per milliliter.

Oatmeal (Porridge) Serving SizeFull-Fat Milk Amount
(for average consistency)
Total Calories Per Serving
Small (25g/0.9oz)172ml208kcal
Medium (40g/1.4oz)275ml332kcal
Large (55g/1.9oz)378ml455kcal
Extra Large (75g/2.6oz)516ml622kcal

Almond Milk

The table below is based on various serving sizes of oatmeal (or porridge) made with almond milk and assumes that the milk contains an average of 0.22kcal per milliliter.

Oatmeal (Porridge) Serving SizeAlmond Milk Amount
(for average consistency)
Total Calories Per Serving
Small (25g/0.9oz)172ml132kcal
Medium (40g/1.4oz)275ml211kcal
Large (55g/1.9oz)378ml289kcal
Extra Large (75g/2.6oz)516ml395kcal

Soya Milk

The table below is based on various serving sizes of oatmeal (or porridge) made with soya milk and assumes that the milk contains an average of 0.39kcal per milliliter.

Oatmeal (Porridge) Serving SizeSoya Milk Amount
(for average consistency)
Total Calories Per Serving
Small (25g/0.9oz)172ml161kcal
Medium (40g/1.4oz)275ml257kcal
Large (55g/1.9oz)378ml353kcal
Extra Large (75g/2.6oz)516ml482kcal

Oat Milk

The table below is based on various serving sizes of oatmeal (or porridge) made with oat milk and assumes that the milk contains an average of 0.45kcal per milliliter.

Oatmeal (Porridge) Serving SizeOat Milk Amount
(for average consistency)
Total Calories Per Serving
Small (25g/0.9oz)172ml171kcal
Medium (40g/1.4oz)275ml274kcal
Large (55g/1.9oz)378ml376kcal
Extra Large (75g/2.6oz)516ml513kcal

Additional Toppings

If you like to add toppings and extra flavors to your oatmeal, use the chart below to work out the additional calories on top of your normal serving calories (see charts above).

Please note that these calories are based on average values and can be used as a guide, but they may vary slightly between brands.

Oatmeal ToppingsAdditional Calories Per Topping (in kcal)
Golden Syrup (15g)49kcal
Maple Syrup (15g)41kcal
Chia Seeds (15g)63kcal
Brown Sugar (10g)40kcal
White Sugar (10g)40kcal
Honey (10g)33kcal
Mixed Berries (80g)34kcal
Chopped Banana (one small)90kcal

More Oatmeal Calorie FAQs

Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about oatmeal calories, in case there’s anything else you need to know:

How many calories are in 50g of oats?

A serving of 50g of rolled (or traditional oats) contains an average total of 188 calories (in kcal), without milk or any other toppings.

How many calories are in oatmeal made with milk and sugar?

Based on an average medium-sized serving of oatmeal containing 275ml of semi-skimmed (or half-fat milk), 40g of rolled oats, and a 10g serving of sugar, there are 328kcal in a serving of oatmeal, milk, and sugar.