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Almond Milk vs Cow Milk (Complete Nutrition Comparison)

There is plenty of dairy alternatives on grocery store shelves. Many nutritionists claim that dairy alternative milk, such as almond milk, is healthier. Others claim that dairy milk is healthier. I want my family to be healthier so I decided to find out how these two kinds of milk compare to each other.

I will be comparing regular, unsweetened almond milk with regular cow’s milk. There is a variety of regular cow’s milk, ranging from whole milk to skim milk, however, my family only drinks whole or 2% milk so that is the nutritional information I am posting below.

Almond Milk vs Cow Milk

Almond milk and cow’s milk do not have the same serving so I am going to do a true weight-for-weight comparison of 100 grams per serving for each kind of milk. You may consume more or less per serving; this is simply to give you an idea of how these two kinds of milk compare.

I will compare everything from calories, protein, vitamins, minerals, and even the taste of each kind of milk. At the end of the article, you will have the information you need to be able to decide for yourself how these two compare nutritionally and which one is right for your and your family.

Almond Milk vs Cow Milk Calorie Comparison

I use milk either in my morning coffee or oatmeal. My husband uses milk in his smoothie and nightly cereal. Because my family drinks cow’s milk on a regular basis, I like to make sure we’re not consuming more calories than is necessary.

So the first place I want to start this comparison is with calories. How many calories are in almond milk versus regular cow’s milk?

Almond milk is much lower in calories than cow’s milk. Almond milk contains 19 calories per 100-gram serving. Regular whole milk has 61 calories per serving, and 2% milk has 50 calories.

Milk Type

Calories Per 100g Serving

Almond Milk (regular, unsweetened)

19 kcal

Whole Milk

61 kcal

2% Milk

50 kcal

Almond Milk vs Cow Milk Fat Comparison

Almonds are a high-fat food so I naturally expected almond milk to be high in fat. I was surprised to learn that almond milk is actually very low in fat compared to regular cow’s milk.

Almond milk is lower in fat than regular cow’s milk. Almond milk has 1.56 grams of fat per serving. Regular, whole milk has 3.2 grams of fat per serving and 2% milk has 1.9 grams of fat.

Regular cow’s milk contains a small amount of saturated fat per serving. Saturated fat, when consumed in large amounts, is unhealthy. Saturated fats can increase cholesterol, putting you at greater risk of a stroke or heart attack. Almond milk contains no saturated fats.

Milk Type

Fat Per 100g Serving

Saturated Fat Per 100g Serving

Almond Milk (regular, unsweetened)



Whole Milk



2% Milk



A glass of almond milk

Almond Milk vs Cow Milk Protein Comparison

One reason why regular cow’s milk is so popular is that it contains protein. In the early 90’s the popular ad campaign “Got Milk?” sent milk consumption through the roof. Even now as an adult, any time I hear the word protein, my first thought is of regular cow’s milk.

How does almond milk compare to this protein giant? Regular, unsweetened almond milk contains a very small amount of protein. In this category, regular cow’s milk is the protein powerhouse.

Almond milk contains less than 1 gram of protein per serving while regular whole cow’s milk and 2% milk contain over 3 grams of protein.

Milk Type

Protein Per 100g Serving

Almond Milk (regular, unsweetened)

0.66 g

Whole Milk

3.27 g

2% Milk

3.36 g

If protein is something you or a family member is concerned about, you can purchase almond milk that has additional protein added. Some brands of almond milk can contain up to 10 grams of milk per serving.

Almond Milk vs Cow Milk Carbohydrate Comparison

Whether you are on a low-carb diet or simply trying to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle, monitoring the amount of carbs in what you eat and drink is important. It wasn’t until I did this comparison that I realized just how many carbs are in regular milk.

Regular cow’s milk is very high in carbohydrates. Per a 100-gram serving, regular cow’s milk and 2% milk contain almost 5 grams of carbohydrates. Almond milk has less than 1 gram of carbs.

Milk Type

Carbohydrates Per 100g Serving

Almond Milk (regular, unsweetened)

0.67 g

Whole Milk

4.63 g

2% Milk

4.9 g

Almond Milk vs Cow Milk Calcium Comparison

For me personally, the biggest question I had when comparing almond milk and regular cow’s milk is how much calcium is found in these two kinds of milk. Would almond milk contain enough calcium to meet my family’s needs?

Calcium is so important for our bodies. Everyone knows that calcium is good for your bones but it is also beneficial for our blood vessels, muscles, nerves, and even hormones that affect the function of our organs.

Calcium becomes even more important as we get older, especially for us women who are at risk for osteoporosis. It’s so important to get protein every day.

Almond milk and regular cow’s milk both contain high amounts of calcium. I expected regular cow’s milk to be front and center with a higher percentage of calcium but that was not the case.

Almond milk is higher in protein content than regular cow’s milk. Per a 100-gram serving, almond milk has 158 mg of calcium. Regular cow’s milk has 123 mg and 2% milk has 126 mg.

Milk Type

Calcium Per 100g Serving

Almond Milk (regular, unsweetened)

158 mg

Whole Milk

123 mg

2% Milk

126 mg

Which do you prefer?

Almond Milk vs Cow Milk Key Takeaways

As you can see from this comparison, there are some advantages to choosing almond milk over regular cow’s milk. The winner for you will obviously depend on what the health concerns are for you and your family, but at least you can see how these two kinds of milk compare to each other.

  • Regular, unsweetened almond milk is lower in calories than regular cow’s milk or even in 2% cow’s milk.
  • There is less fat in regular, unsweetened almond milk than there is in regular cow’s milk. Almond milk also contains zero amounts of unhealthy saturated fat.
  • Regular cow’s milk contains almost double the amount of protein per serving than almond milk, although you can purchase almond milk that has protein added to it.
  • Regular, unsweetened almond milk contains fewer carbs per serving than regular cow’s milk, making it a great alternative if you are on a low-carb diet.
  • Regular, unsweetened almond milk has a higher calcium content per serving than regular cow’s milk.

Almond Milk vs Cow Milk Taste Test

In my house, determining the winner of this comparison is based on the taste test. I expected almond milk to have a strong nutty flavor but I was pleasantly surprised to find that it did not.

I did find that almond milk has a hint of sweetness but it was not overpowering. I used it in my morning coffee and in baked goods and the end flavor was not affected.

My husband put almond milk in his smoothie and in his cereal and he could not tell the difference taste-wise between almond milk and regular cow’s milk.

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